News Updates

In the Admin | News Update screen any user with appropriate permissions (e.g. administration staff) can add or amend News Items.

Click Update to edit an existing news item, or click Add News Item.

  1. Complete the details as required.
  2. From the News Type drop-down list, choose from Company Announcements, Notices, and Policies.
  3. To display the news items until a specific date, add in a Date of Expiry (use the drop-down arrow to display the calendar).
  4. If there are any documents associated with this news item, click Browse to the right of File Attachment, to locate and attach the document.
  5. If there is an associated website for the news item, type in the address in URL and click Test - this will ensure that you have the correct address and users will be able to open the website.
  6. If your organisation has multiple companies within the setup, specify which of these may view the news item.
  7. Once you have specified the companies, select the appropriate User Groups within those companies. For example this might be a company-wide announcement or for senior management only.
  8. Click Save News Item.

For the relevant users, this company announcement appears as a reminder on the To Do screen (the first screen you see when you log in to HR3people) in the bottom right hand corner:

Reminder with Announcement, displayed on To Do Screen


You can either click on the link in the reminder, or go directly to the Company Announcement tab. This will display any announcements that are active:


An active announcement in the Company Announcement tab


Notices and Policies are added and viewed in the same way as Company Announcements.


Note: URL addresses can be included in News Items, Notices, Policies, and any other Documents area. Currently these URL addresses must be a maximum of 200 characters. If you enter a URL that is longer than this, it will be truncated when the item is saved, and therefore not work correctly when used. We suggest you use a URL shortening service such as 'tinyurl' to circumvent this issue.